Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 Big Sale
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Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 Reviews
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Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 Overview:
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Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 Reviews
59 of 60 people found the following review helpful
Vuzix iWear IP230 vs Myvu Solo plus, February 14, 2008 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 (Electronics) I actually own BOTH of these items so I can give you a point-by-point comparison.
1) Price
Today, 2/14/08 on Amazon Vuzix = $104, Myvu Solo Plus = $182
2) Comfort
Myvu Solo is lighter and slimmer. Vuzix is a little heavier and bulkier.
3) Picture
Myvu Solo and Vuzix have equal resolution, but the Vuzix picture is blown up larger so its a little fuzzier. Also the Myvu lets you adjust the brightness and contrast. So there's no doubt that although the Vuzix picture seems larger, the Myvu picture is better.
HOWEVER - the Vuzix lets you individually focus your separate eyes, while the Myvu has no focus controls at all. Focusing on the Myvu is limited to moving the glasses up and down your nose. Not at all good for people who wear glasses.
Neither one of these gives you an immersive "in your face" experience. Instead you feel like you're about ten feet away from a flat screen living room TV. With... Read more
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
Great value at $115, January 22, 2008 By This review is from: Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 (Electronics) I recently purchased the Vuzix iPod230 to use while exercising and watching movies while sitting by the pool. While not as slim and light as the Myvu model the Vuzix iPod has individual eye adjustments that make for a much clearer picture if your eyes are not perfectly matched (as is the case for most of us). The Dyscern deal of $115 makes the Vuzix a great value - since the comparable Myvu is $199. Not sure either is worth the nearly $200 list price - but $115 is just what the doctor ordered.
14 of 17 people found the following review helpful
iWear, August 21, 2007 This review is from: Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 (Electronics) Got quite a lot attention when I brought it to the office with my ipod video, people had different opinion about this device.
-The design was compact and not bulky at all, but I feel silly wearing it infront of people I don't know. But a few of my friends said they would wear it.
-The Picture quality was sacrificed a bit, it was not as clear as watching the movie on the ipod
-I got a little dizzy after watching for an hour, I really would not recommend using the iwear while in motion if you easily get car sick.
› See all 6 customer reviews...
59 of 60 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 (Electronics) I actually own BOTH of these items so I can give you a point-by-point comparison.1) Price Today, 2/14/08 on Amazon Vuzix = $104, Myvu Solo Plus = $182 2) Comfort Myvu Solo is lighter and slimmer. Vuzix is a little heavier and bulkier. 3) Picture Myvu Solo and Vuzix have equal resolution, but the Vuzix picture is blown up larger so its a little fuzzier. Also the Myvu lets you adjust the brightness and contrast. So there's no doubt that although the Vuzix picture seems larger, the Myvu picture is better. HOWEVER - the Vuzix lets you individually focus your separate eyes, while the Myvu has no focus controls at all. Focusing on the Myvu is limited to moving the glasses up and down your nose. Not at all good for people who wear glasses. Neither one of these gives you an immersive "in your face" experience. Instead you feel like you're about ten feet away from a flat screen living room TV. With... Read more 9 of 9 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 (Electronics) I recently purchased the Vuzix iPod230 to use while exercising and watching movies while sitting by the pool. While not as slim and light as the Myvu model the Vuzix iPod has individual eye adjustments that make for a much clearer picture if your eyes are not perfectly matched (as is the case for most of us). The Dyscern deal of $115 makes the Vuzix a great value - since the comparable Myvu is $199. Not sure either is worth the nearly $200 list price - but $115 is just what the doctor ordered. 14 of 17 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011 (Electronics) Got quite a lot attention when I brought it to the office with my ipod video, people had different opinion about this device.-The design was compact and not bulky at all, but I feel silly wearing it infront of people I don't know. But a few of my friends said they would wear it. -The Picture quality was sacrificed a bit, it was not as clear as watching the movie on the ipod -I got a little dizzy after watching for an hour, I really would not recommend using the iwear while in motion if you easily get car sick. |
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Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011, Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011, Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011, Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011, Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011, Vuzix Iwear Visual and Audio Big Screen Display Glasses for Ipods 215t00011
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